Impacts de la palourde asiatique, invasive, Corbicula fluminae sur les systèmes des rivières.
Karl Matthias Wantzen est Enseignant – chercheur à l’Université de Tours, UMR 7324 CITERES, équipe IPAPE.
Le programme de recherche SIAL (Stable Isotope Analysis Loire) porté par Karl Matthias Wantzen (Université de Tours, UMR 7324 CITERES, équipe IPAPE) est mené en collaboration avec Catherine Boisneau (UMR 7324 CITERES, équipe IPAPE) et Nina Richard (Université de Tours, CETU Elmis Ingénieries, UMR 7324 CITERES, équipe IPAPE) dans le cadre du Plan Loire et de la Zone Atelier Loire (ZAL). Il est financé par l’Agence de l’Eau Loire Bretagne, la Région Centre et l’Union Européenne (L’Europe s’engage dans le bassin de la Loire avec le Fonds européen de développement régional).
K. M. Wantzen est titulaire de la chaire « Fleuves et Patrimoine / River Culture » retenu par l’UNESCO.
Il s’engage pour une gestion des fleuves et de ses zones inondables d’une manière respectueuse de la nature et de la culture. « C’est la dynamique des eaux qui crée un environnement favorable à un grand nombre d’espèces et de cultures. La survie de l’humanité dépend très directement du bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes, même si l’homme ignore souvent cette réalité. Alors on fait des études sur ce fonctionnement pour une meilleure gestion, pour conserver le potentiel évolutionnaire de la biodiversité et de la culture. En bref, « River Culture », c’est la convivialité homme-fleuve », dit il.
Biodiversité et usage durable de l’eau douce
Sur notre planète bleue, la proportion d’eau utilisable par l’homme et par les autres organismes continentaux est très faible. Néanmoins, l’eau continue d’être considérée comme une ressource illimitée. Le changement climatique aggrave les problèmes existants en ce qui concerne la pérennisation et l’amélioration de la qualité et de l’accessibilité à l’eau, surtout en changeant la distribution temporelle et spatiale de cette ressource essentielle à la Vie. La présentation se focalisera sur les thématiques de la biodiversité et de l’usage durable des bassins versants. Le déclin de la biodiversité des organismes d’eau douce, principalement dans les fleuves, est alarmant ; ceci montre les risques pour l’espèce humaine. C’est pour cela qu’il faut fonder la gestion et l’aménagement des bassins versants sur le respect des fonctions écologiques des fleuves afin de garantir leur intégrité et leur fonctionnalité dans le futur.Il faut ainsi dépasser les obstacles économiques et les contraintes de la politique actuelle.K. M. Wantzen
- Graça, MAS; Ferreia, M.; Canhoto, C.; Encalada A. C.; Boyero, L.; Guerrero-Bolaño, F. & Wantzen, K. M. (resubmitted after review) A conceptual model of litter breakdown in headwater streams. – Freshwater Biology
- Auberto J Barros Siqueira, Luisa F. Ricaurte, Guilherme Borges, Augusto Nogueira & Karl M. Wantzen (resubmitted after review ) Can the native vegetation cover preserved in rural properties improve the structural connectivity of the Brazilian Southern Amazonia agroscape? Regional Environmental Change
- Marchese, M.; Saigo, M.; Zilli, F. L.; Capello, S.; Devercelli, M.; Montalto, L. ; Paporello, G. & Wantzen, K. M. (in press) Food webs of the Paraná River floodplain: assessing basal sources using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. – Limnologica (IF 1,5)
- Ricaurte, L. F.; Wantzen, K. M.; Agudelo, E.; Betancourt , B.; Jokela, J. (2013): Participatory rural appraisal of ecosystem services of wetlands in the Amazonian Piedmont of Colombia: elements for a sustainable management concept. – Wetlands Ecology and Management online first
- Wantzen, K. M.; Blettler, M. C. M.; Amsler, M.; Bacchi, M. ; Ezcurra de Drago, I. E. ; Drago, E. E. & Marchese, M. R. (2014) Sandy rivers: a review on general ecohydrological patterns of benthic invertebrate assemblages across continents. – The International Journal of River Basin Management Published online: 18 Mar 2014
- Vega, L. F., Nunes da Cunha, C.; Rothaupt, K. O.; Moreira, M. Z. & Wantzen, K. M.(2013) Does flood pulsing act as a switch to store or release sediment-bound carbon in seasonal floodplain lakes? Case study from the Colombian Orinoco-Llanos and the Brazilian Pantanal. – Wetlands online first
- Wantzen, Karl M. & Mol, Jan H. (2013) Soil Erosion from Agriculture and Mining: A Threat to Tropical Stream Ecosystems, Agriculture 2013, 3, 660-683
doi:10.3390/agriculture3040660, FREE DOWNLOAD at - Ricaurte, L. F., Jokela, J.; Siqueira A.; Núñez-Avellaneda, M.; Marin, C.; Velázquez-Valenci, A. & Wantzen, Karl M. (2012) Wetland Habitat Diversity in the Amazonian Pi edmont of Colombia. Wetlands, 32(6): 1189-1202, doi: 10.1007_s13157-012-0348-y
- Marmonier, P., Wantzen, K. M.. + 31 more authors (2012): The role of biodiversity in hyporheic processes: gaps in knowledge and needs for applications. International Journal of Limnology (Annales de Limnologie) 48 : 253–266
- O’Leary, S. J. & Wantzen, K. M. (2012): Flood pulse effects on benthic invertebrate assemblages in the hypolacustric interstitial zone of LakeConstance. International Journal of Limnology (Annales de Limnologie) Int. J. Lim. 48 : 267–277
- Wantzen, K. M.; Couto, E.G; Mund, E.; Amorim, R. S. S.; Siqueira, A.; Tielbörger, K. & Seifan, M. (2012) Soil carbon stocks in stream-valley-ecosystems in the Brazilian Cerrado agroscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 151: 70– 79
- Hesselschwerdt, J., Tscharner, S., Necker, J. & K. M. Wantzen (2009): A local gammarid uses kairomones to avoid predation by the invasive crustaceans Dikerogammarus villosus and Orconectes limosus – Biological Invasions 11(9):2133-2140
- Wantzen, K.M., Nunes da Cunha, C, Junk, W.J., Girard, P., Carmen Rossetto, O., Penha, J.M., Couto, E.G., Becker, M., Priante, G., Moraes, W., Santos, S.A., Marta, J., Domingos, I., Sonoda, F., Curvo, M. & Callil, C. 2008. Towards a sustainable management concept for ecosystem services of the Pantanal wetland. Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 8 (2-4): 77-100
- Drago, E. C., A. R. Paira & K. M. Wantzen 2008. Channel-floodplain geomorphology and connectivity of the Lower Paraguay hydrosystem. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 8(1): 31-48
- Drago, E. C., K. M. Wantzen & A. R. Paira 2008.The Lower Paraguay river-floodplain habitats in the context of the Fluvial Hydrosystem Approach. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 8(1): 49-66
- Hesselschwerdt, J., J. Necker & K. M. Wantzen 2008.Habitat segregation between the invasive neozoan Dikerogammarus villosus and the native Gammarus roeseli in LakeConstance. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 173: 177186.
- Wantzen, K. M., W. J. Junk & K. O. Rothhaupt 2008. An extension of the floodpulse concept (FPC) for lakes. Hydrobiologia 613:151–170
- Pabst, S., N. Scheifhacken, J. Hesselschwerdt & K. M. Wantzen. 2008. Leaf litter degradation in the wave impact zone of a pre-alpine lake. Hydrobiologia 613:117–131.
- Wantzen, K. M., K. O. Rothhaupt, Mörtl, M., Cantonati, M., Tóth, L. & Fischer, P.2008 Ecological effects of water-level fluctuations in lakes: An urgent issue. Hydrobiologia 613:1-4.
- Haase, K. & K. M. Wantzen.2008 Analysis and decomposition of condensed tannins in tree leaves.. Environmental Chemistry Letters 6(2): 1610-3653 (Print), 37: 1610-3661 (Online), DOI 10.1007/s10311-008-0140-7
- Nunes Da Cunha, C., P. Rawiel, K. M. Wantzen, W. J. Junk, & A. Lemes do Prado 2006. Mapping and characterization of vegetation units by means of Landsat imagery and management recommendations for the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil), north of Poconé. Amazoniana 19(1-2): 1-32
- Wantzen, K. M. & R. Wagner. 2006. Detritus processing by invertebrate shredders: a neotropical-temperate comparison. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(1):216–232.
- Rueda-Delgado, G., K. M. Wantzen & M. B. Tolosa. 2006. Leaf litter decomposition in an Amazonian floodplain stream: effects of seasonal hydrological changes. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(1):233–249.
- Wantzen, K. M., A. Ramírez & K. Winemiller. 2006. New vistas in Neotropical stream ecology – Preface. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25(1):61–65.
- Wantzen, K. M. & W. J. Junk. 2006. Aquatic-terrestrial linkages from streams to rivers: biotic hot spots and hot moments. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplements 158/4 (= Large Rivers 16(4)):595-611.
- Moulton, T. P. &K. M. Wantzen. 2006. Conservation of tropical streams – special questions or conventional paradigms? Aquatic Conservation 16(7):659-663.
- Wantzen, K. M. 2006. Physical pollution: effects of gully erosion on benthic invertebrates in a tropical clear-water stream. Aquatic Conservation 16(7):733-749.
- Wantzen, K. M., M. F. P. Sá, A. Siqueira &C. Nunes da Cunha. 2006. Stream-valley systems of the Brazilian Cerrado: impact assessment and conservation scheme. Aquatic Conservation 16(7):713-732.
- Junk, W. J., C. Nunes da Cunha, K. M. Wantzen, P. Petermann, C. Strüssmann, M. Marques &J. Adis. 2006. Biodiversity and its conservation in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Aquatic Sciences 68(3):278-309.
- Wantzen, K. M. & V. Pinto-Silva. 2006. Uso de Substratos Artificiais para Avaliação do Impacto do Assoreamento sobre Macroinvertebrados Bentônicos em um Córrego de Cabeceira no Pantanal do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos 11(1):99-107.
- Wantzen, K. M., F. R. da Rosa, C. O. Neves & C. Nunes da Cunha. 2005. Leaf litter addition experiments in riparian ponds with different connectivity to a Cerrado Stream in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Amazoniana 18(3/4):387-396.
- Wantzen, K. M., E. Drago & C. J. Da Silva. 2005. Aquatic habitats of the Upper Paraguay River-Floodplain-System and parts of the Pantanal (Brazil). Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 5(2):107-126.
- Marchese, M. R., K. M. Wantzen & I. Ezcurra de Drago. 2005. Benthic invertebrate assemblages and species diversity patterns of the Upper Paraguay River. River Research and Applications 21:485-499.
- Ezcurra de Drago, I., M. R. Marchese & K. M. Wantzen. 2004. Benthos of a large neotropical river: spatial patterns and species assemblages in the Lower Paraguay and its floodplains. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 160:347-374.
- Junk, W. J. & K. M.Wantzen. 2004. The Flood Pulse Concept: New Aspects Approaches and Applications – an Update. Pages 117-140 in R. L. Welcomme & T. Petr (eds.): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries: Vol. 2. Food and AgricultureOrganization & MekongRiver Commission. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok. RAP Publication 2004/16.
- Wantzen, K. M. 2003. Cerrado streams – characteristics of a threatened freshwater ecosystem type on the Tertiary Shields of Central South America. Amazoniana 17(3/4):481-502.
- Fellerhoff, C., M. Voss & K. M. Wantzen. 2003. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of decomposing tropic macrophytes. Aquatic Ecology 37:361-375.
- Wantzen, K. M., F. A. Machado, M. Voss, H. Boriss & W. J. Junk. 2002. Seasonal isotopic shifts in fish of the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Aquatic Sciences 64(3):239-251.
- Laabs, V., W. Amelung, A.A. Pinto, K. M. Wantzen, C. J. da Silva & W. Zech. 2002. Pesticides in surface water, sediment & rainfall of the north-eastern Pantanal basin, Brazil. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1636-1648.
- Wantzen, K. M., R. Wagner, R. Suetfeld & W. J. Junk. 2002. How do plant-herbivore interactions of trees influence coarse detritus processing by shredders in aquatic ecosystems of different latitudes? 28:815-821.
- Adis, J., M. I. Marques & K. M. Wantzen. 2001. First observations on the survival strategies of terricolous arthropods in the northern Pantanal wetland of Brazil – scientific note. Andrias (Karlsruhe) 15:127-128.
- Wantzen, K. M., C. J. Da Silva, D. M. Figuereido & M. C. Miglácio. 1999: Recent impacts of navigation on the Upper Paraguay River. Revista Boliviana de Ecologia 6:173-182.
- Wantzen, K. M. 1998. Effects of siltation on benthic communities in clear water streams in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 26:1155-1159.
Book chapters:
- Wantzen, K. M., Marchese, M. Marques, M. et al. (2015) : Aquatic invertebrates of Tropical Wetlands. In: Batzer, D. & Boix, D.(eds) Wetland invertebrates (invited review, manuscript)
- Wantzen, K. M. & Lebailleux, L. (2014): Les invertébrés aquatiques du corridor fluvial de la Loire. In : Moatar, F. (ed). le système fluvio-estuarien de la Loire. Hermès, Paris (invited review, manuscript)
- Junk, W. J., C. Nunes da Cunha, C. J. da Silva and K. M.Wantzen. 2011. The Pantanal: A large South American wetland and its position in limnological theory. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 23-44
- Wantzen, K. M., C. Nunes da Cunha and Siqueira, A. 2011Cerrado stream valleys and their vegetation: Structure, impacts by erosion and recuperation strategies. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 143-165
- Nogueira, F., R Silveira, C. Da Silva, V. Pinto-Silva, M. Abdo, K. M. Wantzen & P. Girard. 2011. Hydrochemistry of lakes, rivers and groundwater of the Pantanal. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 167-198
- Wantzen, K. M., C. Callil & C. M. M. Butakka. 2011. Benthic invertebrates of the Pantanal and its tributaries. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 393-430
- Wantzen, K. M., C. Fellerhoff and M.Voss. Stable isotope ecology of the Pantanal. 2011. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 599-618
- Wantzen, K. M., Junk, W. J., C. Nunes da Cunha et al. 2011. A Sustainable Management Concept for the Pantanal. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 795-832
- Junk, W. J., C. Nunes da Cunha, C. J. da Silva and K. M.Wantzen. 2011. Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of the Pantanal: a synthesis. In W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds.): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia pp. 835-857
- Junk, W. J., U. Saint-Paul, K. M. Wantzen, K. Henle and M. Denich. 2010 Tropenökologische Forschung in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und Brasilien: die Entwicklung der letzten 20 Jahre. In: Kohlhepp, G., Nitschack, H. and Sangmeister, H. (ed.) Brasilien heute – geographischer Raum, Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana 134, Vervuert publishers, Frankfurt, 701-717
- Wantzen, K. M.& Rueda-Delgado, G.(2009) Técnicas de mustreo de invertebrados acuáticos. pp 17-45 in E. Dominguez & H. R. Fernandez (eds). Macroinvertebrados Bentonicos Sudamericanos. Editorial Fundacion Miguel Lillo, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, Argentina
- Junk, W. J., C. J. Da Silva, K. M. Wantzen, C. Nunes da Cunha & F. Nogueira (2009). The Pantanal of Mato Grosso: Status of ecological research, actual use & possibilities for sustainable development. In E. Maltby & T. Baker (ed.): The wetlands handbook. Blackwell Science, Oxford. pp 908-943
- UehlingerU., Wantzen K.M., Leuven R. S.E.W. and Arndt H. (2008) The RhineRiver Basin. In: Tockner K. Robinson C.T. and UehlingerU. (eds.) Rivers of Europe. Academic Press, London, p. 199-245.
- Wantzen, K. M. & W. J. Junk, 2008. Riparian Wetlands. In S. E. Jørgensen (ed.): Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, London pp. 3035-3044.
- Wantzen, K. M., J. Mathooko, C. Yule & C. Pringle. 2008. Organic matter processing in tropical streams. Pages 44-64 in D. Dudgeon (ed.): Tropical stream ecology. Elsevier, London.
- Wantzen, K. M., C. Yule, K. Tockner & W. J. Junk. 2008. Riparian wetlands of tropical streams. Pages 199-218 in D. Dudgeon (ed.): Tropical stream ecology, Elsevier, London.
- Ramirez, A., C. M. Pringle & K. M. Wantzen. 2008. Tropical stream conservation. Pages 286-304 in D. Dudgeon (ed.): Tropical stream ecology. Elsevier, London.
- Junk, W. J. & K. M.Wantzen. 2006. Flood pulsing and the development and maintenance of biodiversity in floodplains. Pages 407-435 in D. P. Batzer & R. R. Sharitz (eds.): Ecology of freshwater and estuarine wetlands. University of California Press, Berkeley.
- da Silva, C. J., K. M. Wantzen, C. Nunes da Cunha & F. A. Machado. 2001. Biodiversity in the Pantanal Wetland, Brazil. Pages 187-217 in W. J. Junk, B. Gopal & J. A. Davis (eds.): Biodiversity in Wetlands: assessment, function and conservation. Vol. 2. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
- Wantzen, K. M. & W. J. Junk. 2000. The importance of stream-wetland-systems for biodiversity – tropical perspective. Pages 11-34 in B. Gopal, W. J. Junk & J. A. Davis (eds.): Biodiversity in Wetlands: assessment, function and conservation, Vol. 1. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.
Proceedings and technical reports:
- Wantzen, Karl M., Unger Malte, Couto Eduardo G., Amorim, Ricardo, Pena, Karina , Irmler, Ulrich (2013) Carbon Farming: Enriching tropical farm soils with organic matter. Extended Abstract of the CARBIOCIAL Status Conference, Cuiabá, Brazil, 7.-12.10. 2013 pp x-x+8
- Funcke, A., Friedel, M., Raub, S. & Wantzen K. M. (2009) Interaktionen zwischen aquatischen Zersetzern auf Laub. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 2008 (Konstanz), Werder pp.
- Wantzen, K. M., M. Korn, J. Pucher & K.-O. Rothhaupt. 2005. Einfluß des Flutpulses auf aquatische Invertebraten im eulitoralen Interstitial des Bodensees. Treffpunkt Biol. Vielfalt VI:205-213 (Ed. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn).
- Nunes da Cunha, C., K. M. Wantzen & W. J. Junk (2004). The Pantanal Ecology Project: Challenges and progress of a Brazilian-German scientific collaboration. Pages 56-77 in D. J. Tazik, A. A. R. Ioris & S. R. Collinsworth (eds.): The Pantanal: Scientific and Institutional Challenges in Management of a Large and Complex Wetland Ecosystem. US Army Engineer Research and DevelopmentCenter. Technical Report ERDC SR-04-1, also available on pdf:
- Oliveira, M. D., K. M. Wantzen, E. L. Hardoim, E. De-Lamonica-Freire & D. S. Barbosa. 2002. Avaliação ecológica rápida – Parque Nacional do Pantanal, MT: Limnologia. Relatório Técnico. TNC/IBAMA/GASBOL. 96pp.
- Wantzen, K. M. 2002. Biotic and abiotic interactions in soil and sediment. Pages 43-51 in R. Lieberei, H.-K. Bianchi, V. Boehm & C. Reisdorff (eds.): Neotropical Ecosystems, Proceedings of the German-Brazilian Workshop, Hamburg 2000. GKSS-Geesthacht, Germany.
- Wantzen, K. M., F. A. Machado, M. Voss & W. J. Junk. 2000. Stable Isotopes as a tool for element flow analysis in floodplains: What do Pantanal fish feed on? Pages 131-132 in R. Lieberei, H.-K. Bianchi, V. Boehm, C. Reisdorff (eds.): Neotropical Ecosystems, Proceedings of the German-Brazilian Workshop, Hamburg. GKSS-Geesthacht, Germany..
- Butakka, C. M. M. & K. M. Wantzen. 2001. Correlações entre variações ambientais e distribuição de larvas de Campsurus sp. (Ephemeroptera-Polymitarcyidae) na baía de Sinhá Mariana, Pantanal Mato-grossense, MT. In Anais do III Simpósio sobre Recursos Naturais e Sócio-econômicos do Pantanal: os desafios do novo milênio. De 27 a 30 de novembro de 2000. EMBRAPA, Corumba..
- Wantzen, K. M. 1999. Effects of suspended sediments on aquatic organisms in streams in the UpperRioParaguayBasin. Pages 519-528 in R. Lieberei, K. Voß & H. Bianchi (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd SHIFT-Workshop in Manaus 1998, Hamburg, ISBN 3-00-003847-7.
- Da Silva, C. J., K. M. Wantzen & W. J. Junk. 1999. Pantanal Ecology Project going on. Pages 505-517 in R. Lieberei, K. Voß & H. Bianchi (eds.): Proceedings of the 3rd SHIFT-Workshop in Manaus 1998, Hamburg, ISBN 3-00-003847-7.
- Wantzen, K. M. 1998. Abschätzung der Umweltwirkungen von anthropogen bedingter Bodenerosion auf Fließgewässer mittels Biomonitoring, Mato Grosso, Brasilien. Technical Report edited by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany. ISBN 3-933984-08-4, 52 pp. Wantzen, K. M. 1992. Influence of man-made siltation on habitat structure and invertebrate communities of Cerrado Streams of Mato Grosso (in german). Herbert Utz publishers, Munich, 186pp.
- Wantzen, K. M. & H. Recher. 1997. Das Pantanal – eines der größten Feuchtgebiete der Welt ist gefährdet. Pages 274 and 275 in Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung für Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) (ed).: Welt im Wandel – Wege zu einem nachhaltigen Umgang mit Süßwasser. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 3-540-63656-0.
- Wantzen, K. M. 1992. « Das Hyporheische Interstitial der Rheinsohle », Proceedings of the XIth Congress of the German Limnological Society (DGL), Konstanz, Pages 460-463.
Edited books and proceedings:
- W. J. Junk, C. J. da Silva, C. Nunes da Cunha & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2011): The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia 870pp.
- Arias, J.;S. Golovatch, K. M. Wantzen & E. Dominguez (eds., 2010): A. Shelley, L. Hernandez, M. Maia-Herzog, A. Luna Dias, P. Garritano (authors). Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America Vol. 6.: The Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Brazil. ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 821pp.
- Wantzen, K. M., Rothhaupt, K.-O., Mörtl, M., Cantonati, M., G-Toth, L. & Fischer, P. (eds., 2008): Ecological effects of waterlevel fluctuations in lakes. Developments in Hydrobiology 2004, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 184pp
- Adis, J., J. Arias, G. Rueda-Delgado, S. Golovatch & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2008): Stark, B. P.; Froehlich, C. & Zúñiga, M. C. (authors). Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America Vol. 5.: South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera) ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 154pp.
- Adis, J., J. Arias, G. Rueda-Delgado, S. Golovatch & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2007a): Borkent, A. & Spinelli, G. R. (authors). Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America Vol. 4: Neotropical Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Insecta). ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 198pp.
- Adis, J., J. Arias, G. Rueda-Delgado, S. Golovatch & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2007b):Coscarón, S. & Coscarón Arias, C. L. (authors). Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America Vol. 3: Neotropical Simuliidae (Diptera: Insecta). ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia,685pp.
- Adis, J., J. Arias, G. Rueda-Delgado, S. Golovatch & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2006a): Dominguez, E., C. Molineri, M. L. Pescador, M. D. Hubbard & C. Nieto (authors). Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America: Ephemeroptera of South America. ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 646pp.
- Adis, J., J. Arias, G. Rueda-Delgado, S. Golovatch & K. M. Wantzen (eds., 2006a): Thatcher, V. E. (author). : Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America Vol. 1: Amazon Fish parasites. ABLA Series, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 508pp. (Book editors: Adis, J., G. Rueda-Delgado, J. Arias & K. M. Wantzen)
- K. M. Wantzen & Moulton, T. (eds., 2004): Aquatic conservation (journal): Special issue on « Conservation of Tropical Streams »
- K. M. Wantzen Winemiller, K. & A. Ramirez (eds., 2003) Journal of the North American Benthological Society (journal) : Special issue on « New Vistas on Neotropical Stream Ecology »
In progress:
- Penny, N. & Contrera Ramos, A. Aquatic Latin American Neuroptera, Mecoptera and Megaloptera Series, Vol. 7 (Book editors: Arias, J.;S. Golovatch, K. M. Wantzen and E. Dominguez)
- Marchese, M. R. and Alves, R. G. South American Freshwater Oligochaeta (Annelida) ABLA Series, Vol. 8 (Book editors: E. Dominguez, K. M. Wantzen, Arias, J. and S. Golovatch)
- Ezcurra de Drago, I. South American Freshwater Sponges (Porifera) ABLA Series, Vol. 9 (Book editors: E. Dominguez, K. M. Wantzen, Arias, J. and S. Golovatch)
- Archangelsky: Neotropical Aquatic Coleoptera ABLA Series, Vol. 10 (Book editors: E. Dominguez, K. M. Wantzen, Arias, J. and S. Golovatch)